Open Source Solutions for Health Information Exchange – HIE
Who We Are and What We Do?
Misys Open Source Solutions (MOSS) is the premier provider of HIE technologies that utilize both open source standards and open source information tools in combination with best-of-breed proprietary application plug-ins to facilitate the exchange of healthcare information between community source systems (e.g. hospitals, physician practices, labs, radiologic centers) and provide value to its healthcare providers through the use of clinical groupware services.
Misys Connect™ Exchange supports the mission of Health Information Organizations (HIOs), by offering affordable interoperability solutions that dramatically drive down the costs needed to reach HIE operational maturity and achieve financial viability. Additionally, the MOSS exchange is designed to leverage its workflow and rules infrastructure to assist in the coordination of care within the community to improve efficiency and improve healthcare delivery.
What Is HIE and Why It’s Important?
Health information exchange (HIE) mobilizes healthcare information electronically across organizations within a geographic region, a community or hospital system. MOSS provides the capability to electronically move clinical information among disparate information systems while maintaining the meaning and clinical context of the data being exchanged. Our open source HIE solutions facilitate access to and retrieval of clinical data to provide safer, more timely, efficient, effective and patient-centric care.
Due to recent legislation contained in the HITECH components of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), formal organizations are now emerging to provide both form and function for health information exchange efforts, both on the independent and governmental/regional levels. MOSS’ mission is to support these emerging organizations with lower cost options that help them achieve self-sustainability in their Health Information Organization (HIO) operations.
Additionally, in the Nation’s move toward the creation of Accountable Care Organizations, solutions from MOSS will be critical in coordinating care, improving efficiency, and providing real-time clinical community dashboards to monitor patient progress.